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This book provides an overview of how to approach computer science education research from a pragmatic perspective.
Chris Byrne Ravensoft/?output=search from books.google.com
For the first time this volume makes Jean-Pierre Meunier's insightful thoughts on the film experience available for an English-speaking readership.
Chris Byrne Ravensoft/?output=search from books.google.com
Contributors to this volume show how the earth and its past peoples can wake us up to a sense of place as history – as a site of both change and continuity.
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Coercion in Community Mental Health Care: International Perspectives is an essential guide to the current coercive practices worldwide, both those founded in law and those 'informal' processes whose coerciveness remains contested.
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This book sounds an alarm: we can no longer afford to be lulled into complacency by narratives of techno-utopianism, or even techno-neutrality.
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A new and integrative analysis of the concept of ecosystem functioning, providing guidance for its application in conservation practice.
Chris Byrne Ravensoft/?output=search from books.google.com
This book is intended for food safety professionals involved with the retail and foodservice industry, as well as quality assurance professionals working in food processing plants, Federal regulatory officials, and professionals employed by ...
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Led by editors Siddhartha Thakur and Kalmia Kniel, a team of expert authors provides insights into critical themes surrounding preharvest food safety, including Challenges specific to meat, seafood, dairy, egg, produce, grain, and nut ...